Khalifa K. E.

Department of Parasitology - Medicine
Interests: Medical Parasitology, Immunology, Molecular parasitology,
Internal ID: rp00162
  • 1,126 Scopus Citations
  • 132 PubMed Citations

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Khalifa K. E.
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PERSONAL DATA: Name: Khalifa El Sayed Khalifa Mohamed Date and Place of birth: 5/10/1959, Cairo, Egypt. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: M.B, B.Ch. December, 1983, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, very good with honor M.Sc. Medical Parasitology, November, 1988, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, very good with a thesis titled “ Role of BCG as an immunostimulant against infection of mice with Toxoplasma gondii” M.D. Medical Parasitology, November, 1994, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, with a thesis titled “Detection of circulating antigen by ELISA and parasite DNA by PCR for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis” PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: House officer: Ain Shams University Hospitals, from 1/3/1984 to 29/2/1985 School Health Officer: in a School Health Unit, Cairo from 1/3/1985 to 30/4/1986 Demonstrator of Medical Parasitology: Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University from 4/5/1986 to 4/3/1989. Assistant Lecturer of Medical Parasitology: Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, from 5/3/1989 to 28/2/1995. Guest Investigator: USA Naval Medical Research Unit, NAMRU#3, Cairo, Egypt, from 25/8/91 to 25/1/1992. Research Fellow: Clinical Parasitology Department, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin Germany, from 1/4/1992 to 31/3/1994. Lecturer of Medical Parasitology: Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University from 29/2/1995 to 30/7/2000. Assistant Professor of Medical Parasitology: Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, from 31/7/2000 till 21/8/2005 Professor of Medical Parasitology: Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, from 22/8/2005 till now. Head of the Laboratory Department: Faculty of Health Sciences, Al Alhsaa, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 1999 till 2006. Head of the Parasitology Diagnostic Unit: Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University from 13/12/2007-12/12/2011 Head of the information and communication technology project (ICTP), Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University from September, 2013


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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Oct-2022The evolving SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Africa: Insights from rapidly expanding genomic surveillanceTegally, Houriiyah; San, James E; Cotten, Matthew; Moir, Monika; Tegomoh, Bryan; Mboowa, Gerald; Martin, Darren P; Baxter, Cheryl; Lambisia, Arnold W; Diallo, Amadou; Amoako, Daniel G; Diagne, Moussa M; Sisay, Abay; Zekri, Abdel-Rahman N; Gueye, Abdou Salam; Sangare, Abdoul K; Ouedraogo, Abdoul-Salam; Sow, Abdourahmane; Musa, Abdualmoniem O; Sesay, Abdul K; Abias, Abe G; Elzagheid, Adam I; Lagare, Adamou; Kemi, Adedotun-Sulaiman; Abar, Aden Elmi; Johnson, Adeniji A; Fowotade, Adeola; Oluwapelumi, Adeyemi O; Amuri, Adrienne A; Juru, Agnes; Kandeil, Ahmed; Mostafa, Ahmed; Rebai, Ahmed; Sayed, Ahmed; Kazeem, Akano; Balde, Aladje; Christoffels, Alan; Trotter, Alexander J; Campbell, Allan; Keita, Alpha K; Kone, Amadou; Bouzid, Amal; Souissi, Amal; Agweyu, Ambrose; Naguib, Amel; Gutierrez, Ana V; Nkeshimana, Anatole; Page, Andrew J; Yadouleton, Anges; Vinze, Anika; Happi, Anise N; Chouikha, Anissa; Iranzadeh, Arash; Maharaj, Arisha; Batchi-Bouyou, Armel L; Ismail, Arshad; Sylverken, Augustina A; Goba, Augustine; Femi, Ayoade; Sijuwola, Ayotunde E; Marycelin, Baba; Salako, Babatunde L; Oderinde, Bamidele S; Bolajoko, Bankole; Diarra, Bassirou; Herring, Belinda L; Tsofa, Benjamin; Lekana-Douki, Bernard; Mvula, Bernard; Njanpop-Lafourcade, Berthe-Marie; Marondera, Blessing T; Khaireh, Bouh Abdi; Kouriba, Bourema; Adu, Bright; Pool, Brigitte; McInnis, Bronwyn; Brook, Cara; Williamson, Carolyn; Nduwimana, Cassien; Anscombe, Catherine; Pratt, Catherine B; Scheepers, Cathrine; Akoua-Koffi, Chantal G; Agoti, Charles N; Mapanguy, Chastel M; Loucoubar, Cheikh; Onwuamah, Chika K; Ihekweazu, Chikwe; Malaka, Christian N; Peyrefitte, Christophe; Grace, Chukwa; Omoruyi, Chukwuma E; Rafaï, Clotaire D; Morang'a, Collins M; Erameh, Cyril; Lule, Daniel B; Bridges, Daniel J; Mukadi-Bamuleka, Daniel; Park, Danny; Rasmussen, David A; Baker, David; Nokes, David J; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Tshiabuila, Derek; Amuzu, Dominic S Y; Goedhals, Dominique; Grant, Donald S; Omuoyo, Donwilliams O; Maruapula, Dorcas; Wanjohi, Dorcas W; Foster-Nyarko, Ebenezer; Lusamaki, Eddy K; Simulundu, Edgar; Ong'era, Edidah M; Ngabana, Edith N; Abworo, Edward O; Otieno, Edward; Shumba, Edwin; Barasa, Edwine; Ahmed, El Bara; Ahmed, Elhadi A; Lokilo, Emmanuel; Mukantwari, Enatha; Philomena, Eromon; Belarbi, Essia; Simon-Loriere, Etienne; Anoh, Etilé A; Manuel, Eusebio; Leendertz, Fabian; Taweh, Fahn M; Wasfi, Fares; Abdelmoula, Fatma; Takawira, Faustinos T; Derrar, Fawzi; Ajogbasile, Fehintola V; Treurnicht, Florette; Onikepe, Folarin; Ntoumi, Francine; Muyembe, Francisca M; Ragomzingba, Frank E Z; Dratibi, Fred A; Iyanu, Fred-Akintunwa; Mbunsu, Gabriel K; Thilliez, Gaetan; Kay, Gemma L; Akpede, George O; van Zyl, Gert U; Awandare, Gordon A; Kpeli, Grace S; Schubert, Grit; Maphalala, Gugu P; Ranaivoson, Hafaliana C; Omunakwe, Hannah E; Onywera, Harris; Abe, Haruka; Karray, Hela; Nansumba, Hellen; Triki, Henda; Kadjo, Herve Albéric Adje; Elgahzaly, Hesham; Gumbo, Hlanai; Mathieu, Hota; Kavunga-Membo, Hugo; Smeti, Ibtihel; Olawoye, Idowu B; Adetifa, Ifedayo M O; Odia, Ikponmwosa; Ben Boubaker, Ilhem Boutiba; Muhammad, Iluoreh Ahmed; Ssewanyana, Isaac; Wurie, Isatta; Konstantinus, Iyaloo S; Halatoko, Jacqueline Wemboo Afiwa; Ayei, James; Sonoo, Janaki; Makangara, Jean-Claude C; Tamfum, Jean-Jacques M; Heraud, Jean-Michel; Shaffer, Jeffrey G; Giandhari, Jennifer; Musyoki, Jennifer; Nkurunziza, Jerome; Uwanibe, Jessica N; Bhiman, Jinal N; Yasuda, Jiro; Morais, Joana; Kiconco, Jocelyn; Sandi, John D; Huddleston, John; Odoom, John K; Morobe, John M; Gyapong, John O; Kayiwa, John T; Okolie, Johnson C; Xavier, Joicymara S; Gyamfi, Jones; Wamala, Joseph F; Bonney, Joseph H K; Nyandwi, Joseph; Everatt, Josie; Nakaseegu, Joweria; Ngoi, Joyce M; Namulondo, Joyce; Oguzie, Judith U; Andeko, Julia C; Lutwama, Julius J; Mogga, Juma J H; O'Grady, Justin; Siddle, Katherine J; Victoir, Kathleen; Adeyemi, Kayode T; Tumedi, Kefentse A; Carvalho, Kevin S; Mohammed, Khadija Said; Dellagi, Koussay; Musonda, Kunda G; Duedu, Kwabena O; Fki-Berrajah, Lamia; Singh, Lavanya; Kepler, Lenora M; Biscornet, Leon; de Oliveira Martins, Leonardo; Chabuka, Lucious; Olubayo, Luicer; Ojok, Lul Deng; Deng, Lul Lojok; Ochola-Oyier, Lynette I; Tyers, Lynn; Mine, Madisa; Ramuth, Magalutcheemee; Mastouri, Maha; ElHefnawi, Mahmoud; Mbanne, Maimouna; Matsheka, Maitshwarelo I; Kebabonye, Malebogo; Diop, Mamadou; Momoh, Mambu; Lima Mendonça, Maria da Luz; Venter, Marietjie; Paye, Marietou F; Faye, Martin; Nyaga, Martin M; Mareka, Mathabo; Damaris, Matoke-Muhia; Mburu, Maureen W; Mpina, Maximillian G; Owusu, Michael; Wiley, Michael R; Tatfeng, Mirabeau Y; Ayekaba, Mitoha Ondo'o; Abouelhoda, Mohamed; Beloufa, Mohamed Amine; Seadawy, Mohamed G; Khalifa K. E. ; Matobo, Mooko Marethabile; Kane, Mouhamed; Salou, Mounerou; Mbulawa, Mphaphi B; Mwenda, Mulenga; Allam, Mushal; Phan, My V T; Abid, Nabil; Rujeni, Nadine; Abuzaid, Nadir; Ismael, Nalia; Elguindy, Nancy; Top, Ndeye Marieme; Dia, Ndongo; Mabunda, Nédio; Hsiao, Nei-Yuan; Silochi, Nelson Boricó; Francisco, Ngiambudulu M; Saasa, Ngonda; Bbosa, Nicholas; Murunga, Nickson; Gumede, Nicksy; Wolter, Nicole; Sitharam, Nikita; Ndodo, Nnaemeka; Ajayi, Nnennaya A; Tordo, Noël; Mbhele, Nokuzola; Razanajatovo, Norosoa H; Iguosadolo, Nosamiefan; Mba, Nwando; Kingsley, Ojide C; Sylvanus, Okogbenin; Femi, Oladiji; Adewumi, Olubusuyi M; Testimony, Olumade; Ogunsanya, Olusola A; Fakayode, Oluwatosin; Ogah, Onwe E; Oludayo, Ope-Ewe; Faye, Ousmane; Smith-Lawrence, Pamela; Ondoa, Pascale; Combe, Patrice; Nabisubi, Patricia; Semanda, Patrick; Oluniyi, Paul E; Arnaldo, Paulo; Quashie, Peter Kojo; Okokhere, Peter O; Bejon, Philip; Dussart, Philippe; Bester, Phillip A; Mbala, Placide K; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Abechi, Priscilla; El-Shesheny, Rabeh; Joseph, Rageema; Aziz, Ramy Karam; Essomba, René G; Ayivor-Djanie, Reuben; Njouom, Richard; Phillips, Richard O; Gorman, Richmond; Kingsley, Robert A; Neto Rodrigues, Rosa Maria D E S A; Audu, Rosemary A; Carr, Rosina A A; Gargouri, Saba; Masmoudi, Saber; Bootsma, Sacha; Sankhe, Safietou; Mohamed, Sahra Isse; Femi, Saibu; Mhalla, Salma; Hosch, Salome; Kassim, Samar ; Metha, Samar; Trabelsi, Sameh; Agwa, Sara Hassan; Mwangi, Sarah Wambui; Doumbia, Seydou; Makiala-Mandanda, Sheila; Aryeetey, Sherihane; Ahmed, Shymaa S; Ahmed, Side Mohamed; Elhamoumi, Siham; Moyo, Sikhulile; Lutucuta, Silvia; Gaseitsiwe, Simani; Jalloh, Simbirie; Andriamandimby, Soa Fy; Oguntope, Sobajo; Grayo, Solène; Lekana-Douki, Sonia; Prosolek, Sophie; Ouangraoua, Soumeya; van Wyk, Stephanie; Schaffner, Stephen F; Kanyerezi, Stephen; Ahuka-Mundeke, Steve; Rudder, Steven; Pillay, Sureshnee; Nabadda, Susan; Behillil, Sylvie; Budiaki, Sylvie L; van der Werf, Sylvie; Mashe, Tapfumanei; Mohale, Thabo; Le-Viet, Thanh; Velavan, Thirumalaisamy P; Schindler, Tobias; Maponga, Tongai G; Bedford, Trevor; Anyaneji, Ugochukwu J; Chinedu, Ugwu; Ramphal, Upasana; George, Uwem E; Enouf, Vincent; Nene, Vishvanath; Gorova, Vivianne; Roshdy, Wael H; Karim, Wasim Abdul; Ampofo, William K; Preiser, Wolfgang; Choga, Wonderful T; Ahmed, Yahaya Ali; Ramphal, Yajna; Bediako, Yaw; Naidoo, Yeshnee; Butera, Yvan; de Laurent, Zaydah R; Ouma, Ahmed E O; von Gottberg, Anne; Githinji, George; Moeti, Matshidiso; Tomori, Oyewale; Sabeti, Pardis C; Sall, Amadou A; Oyola, Samuel O; Tebeje, Yenew K; Tessema, Sofonias K; de Oliveira, Tulio; Happi, Christian; Lessells, Richard; Nkengasong, John; Wilkinson, Eduan
22022Laparoscopic Heller Cardiomyotomy with Dor Fundoplication versus Nissen Fundoplication in the Management of Type II Achalasia: A Prospective Randomized StudyAfifi, Amira Hamed Mohamed ; Elhefny, Amr; Abd-erRazik, Mohammad ; Khalifa K. E. ; Abd Elmonim, Ahmed; Abou Eisha, Hisham; Fahmy, Mohamed; Abbassy, Ahmed; Mohammed, Ahmed; Ahmed, Ehab
3Mar-2020Use of PCR-RFLP for genetic characterization of Echinococcus granulosus isolates from EgyptNassar, D. A.; Elwakil, H. S.; Ezz Eldin, H. M.; Abou-Seri, H. M.; Khalifa K. E. 
4Nov-2019Genotyping of Trichomonas vaginalis isolates from EgyptMohamed, B.O.; Elleboudy, N.A.; Khalifa K. E. ; Azab M. E.; Hussein, H.M.
5Jul-2018Growth Kinetics of Egyptian isolates of Trichomonas vaginalis: Possible Correlation to Clinical PresentationMohamed, B.O.; Elleboudy, N.A.; Hussein, H.M.; Khalifa K. E. ; Azab, M.E.
627-Aug-2015Giardia duodenalis assemblages in Egyptian children with diarrheaFahmy H. ; El-Serougi A. ; El Deeb H. ; Hussein H. ; Abou-Seri H. ; Klotz C. ; Aebischer T. ; El Sayed Khalifa Mohamed, K 
727-Aug-2015Giardia duodenalis assemblages in Egyptian children with diarrheaFahmy H. ; El-Serougi A. ; El Deeb H. ; Hussein H. ; Abou-Seri H. ; Klotz C. ; Aebischer T. ; Khalifa El Sayed Khalifa Mohamed ; mahmoud, hanan 
82013Use of multiplex real-time PCR for detection of common diarrhea causing protozoan parasites in EgyptNazeer, J.T. ; Khalifa, Khalifa ; Von Thien, H. ; El-Sibaei, M.M. ; Abdel-Hamid, M.Y. ; Tawfik, R.A.S. ; Tannich, E. 
92012Evaluation of the Suppressive Effects of Helminthic Derived Products on the Development of Experimental Murine AsthmaAbel Mawala, M. M. ; Khalifa, Khalifa ; Sammour, S. A. ; Nazeer, J.T. 
101-May-2011The potential use of 29 kDa protein as a marker of pathogenicity and diagnosis of symptomatic infections with Blastocystis hominisAbou Gamra M. ; Elwakil H. ; El Deeb H. ; Khalifa K. E. ; Abd Elhafiz H. 
112006Duration of peginterferon therapy in acute hepatitis C: A randomized trialKamal, S.M. ; Moustafa, K.N. ; Chen, J. ; Fehr, J. ; Moneim, A.A. ; Khalifa, Khalifa ; El Gohary, L.A. ; Ramy, A.H. ; Madwar, M.A. ; Rasenack, J. ; Afdhal, N.H. 
122006Immune modulation by helminthic infections: worms and viral infectionsKamal, S.M. ; Khalifa El Sayed Khalifa Mohamed 
132006Peginterferon Alfa-2b Therapy in Acute Hepatitis C: Impact of Onset of Therapy on Sustained Virologic ResponseKamal, Sanaa M. ; Fouly, Amr E. ; Kamel, Refaat R. ; Hockenjos, Bridgette ; Al Tawil, Ahmed ; Khalifa, Khalifa ; He, Qi ; Koziel, Margaret J. ; El Naggar, Khairy M. ; Rasenack, Jens ; Afdhal, Nezam H. 
141-Jan-2005Characterization of specific Trichomonas vaginalis target antigens from different isolates by immunoblotting against hyperimmune rabbit serumel-Okbi L. ; Khalifa K. E. ; Elwakil H. ; Mohamed A. ; Abdel-Hameed D. ; Tawfik R. 
151-Jun-2004Pegylated interferon α therapy in acute hepatitis C: Relation to hepatitis C virus-specific T cell response kineticsKamal, S.M. ; Ismail, A. ; Graham, C. S. ; Hi, Q. ; Rasenack, J. W. ; Peter, T. ; Tawil A. ; Fehr, J. J. ; Khalifa K. E. ; Madwar, M. M. ; Koziel M. 
161-Apr-2004Kinetics of intrahepatic hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific CD4<sup>+</sup>T cell responses in HCV and Schistosoma mansoni coinfection: Relation to progression of liver fibrosisKamal, S.M. ; Graham C. ; He Q. ; Bianchi L. ; Tawil A. ; Rasenack J. ; Khalifa K. E. ; Massoud, M ; Koziel M. 
171-Jan-2004Compatibility of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails to infection with Schistosoma mansoni after exposure to sublethal concentrations of MyrrhMassoud A. ; Metwally D. ; El Sayed Khalifa, K. ; Habib F. 
181-Jan-2004Immunoblot analysis of Trichomonas vaginalis antigens recognized by rabbit hyperimmune serum raised against exoantigensKhalifa El Sayed Khalifa Mohamed ; El-Wakil, H. S. ; Habib, F. S. ; Abdel Baki, M. H. ; Azab, M. E. 
1915-Oct-2001Specific cellular immune response and cytokine patterns in patients coinfected with hepatitis C virus and Schistosoma mansoniKamal, S.M. ; Bianchi L. ; Al Tawil, A. ; Koziel M. ; Khalifa K. E. ; Peter, T. ; Rasenack, J. W. 
201-Jan-2001Acute hepatitis C without and with schistosomiasis: Correlation with hepatitis C-specific CD4<sup>+</sup>T-cell and cytokine responseKamal, S.M. ; Rasenack, J. W. ; Bianchi L. ; Al Tawil, A. ; Khalifa K. E. ; Peter, T. ; Mansour, H. ; Ezzat, W. ; Koziel M.