Statistics: African Journal of Biological Sciences

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
AF - Africa 7
EU - Europe 2
NA - North America 1
Unknown 2282
Total 2292
Country #
EG - Egypt 7
DE - Germany 1
RU - Russian Federation 1
US - United States of America 1
Unknown 2282
Total 2292
City #
Al Fayyum 4
Cairo 2
Mountain View 1
Unknown 2285
Total 2292

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2020 00 0000 1000 01 2
2021 01 0000 0311 0382 388
2022 00 22730 2003 27 46
2023 11 568710 1121 093 793
2024 3602 036247 94590 00 1059
Ever 2292