Statistics: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 79
AF - Africa 78
EU - Europe 54
AS - Asia, other 17
SA - South America 1
Unknown 485
Total 714
Country #
US - United States of America 78
EG - Egypt 39
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 36
FI - Finland 22
AT - Austria 13
DE - Germany 13
KR - Korea 6
IN - India 5
CN - China 2
FR - France 2
other - Other Country 498
Total 714
City #
Mountain View 23
Al Fayyum 21
Abidjan 17
Philadelphia 17
Vienna 13
Béoumi 12
West Chester 10
Ashburn 8
Cairo 7
Jacksonville 7
other 579
Total 714

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 0047 338 52
2020 162 8007 1131 07 46
2021 30 25310 1231 1213 55
2022 712 101114 34031 419 106
2023 26 74133 313113 1969 153
2024 426 16391715 92510 00 170
Ever 714