Organization Unit Statistics: Department of Animal Production - Agriculture

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 62
AF - Africa 48
AS - Asia, other 31
NA - North America 25
SA - South America 1
Unknown 451
Total 618
Country #
EG - Egypt 45
FI - Finland 26
CN - China 25
US - United States of America 24
DE - Germany 16
RU - Russian Federation 9
GB - United Kingdom 3
AP - Asia/Pacific Region 2
BE - Belgium 2
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 2
other - Other Country 464
Total 618
City #
Al Fayyum 29
Jacksonville 12
Cairo 9
West Chester 5
Alexandria 3
Nanjing 3
Bucharest 2
Burol 2
Shanghai 2
Shenzhen 2
other 549
Total 618

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 0055 17 18
2020 254 13100 1231 66 62
2021 21 5002 32211 24 43
2022 99 181401 120123 234 123
2023 1713 84313 42394 1445 157
2024 1713 16201412 141730 00 126
Ever 618